Welcome to the SAQA New York Blog

Sunday, September 23, 2012

News from Members

Judy Warner's piece show above "Overwhelm" will be shown in the North West Quilting Expo in Portland, Oregon this September 20-22.

Pat Pauly's work "Genesee" was on view during the Greentopia Festival in Rochester, New York September 11 - 16. Measuring 12' x 24', it mimics the Genesee Falls and is made of weather proof nylon and plastic that was recycled.

Ithaca Parlor Meeting = Great Discussion

Judy Warner shares her work with 18 SAQA New York members in a parlor meeting hosted by Aafke Steenhuis in Ithaca, New York today. After a round of show and tell, and filling lunch and dessert (thanks, again, Aafke) we had a great discussion on topics from "What do you call yourself?" to "Name some events you would like SAQA NY to organize."

Organized by Jeanne Simpson and Pat Pauly, the meeting offered a chance to connect to other artists and garner how the medium of art quilts differs and compares to other fields of art. It was a great day. Above, Marcia DeCamp is hidden behind her "Icicles" work.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

SAQA NY Gathering in Ithaca

Come join us!

SAQA NY Meeting
September 22, 2012
11am - 3 pm
Aafek Steenhuis's home
224 Bostwick Road
Ithaca, NY 14850

Get acquainted with fellow SAQA artists, show your latest creation, enjoy informal discussions and share tips of the trade. Plan some extra time in Ithaca to enjoy the wonderful scenery and shopping and get inspired by Ithaca's surroundings.

Please let us know if you plan to attend. We would love to see you there.

Your SAQANY co-reps,

Jeanne Simpson
jsimpso3@gmail. com

Pat Pauly