Led by Jeanne Simpson and Pat Pauly, co-reps for SAQA for upstate NY, the meeting had about 25 people gathered upstairs at the Schweinfurth Art Center. We all look so serious, but it was not always so.
Our show and tell was also a trunk show for enthusiastic visitors to the art center. We managed to entertain! Carol Soderlund, at left, holds Mary Diamond's piece (center) with Pat Pauly at right. There was time after the show to visit the Quilts=Art=Quilts exhibit downstairs.
Bev Kondolf at left, and Director Donna Lamb hold pieces for Ruth White while Ruth gives us delightful lesson on microbiology. At least, that is what this reporter remembers. You can see the fun we were having.
Nancy Hicks, wearing a great long African robe, offered this work along with a story of how she acquired the fabric and the making of the piece.
Aafke Steenhuis explained to the delight of the crowd the series that she has made on cornfields. Linda Bachman is below with her piece. We all felt that it was fun to gather again and made plans to meet in the warmer weather. Perhaps we can do this again during the Quilts=Art=Quilts show next year.